A knowledge bank of unique and essential PE resources

About Us

Everything a teacher needs!

PE Office is a Learning Intervention and Support platform with an extensive knowledge bank of unique practical and theoretical resources for PE teachers and departments, coaches, sports leaders and any one involved in PE and Sport.

Our platform includes a comprehensive assessment framework; video banks of theory lessons that are accessible on demand; skill video of practical sporting elite performers; performance analysis software; a virtual tutoring and teaching classroom for PE catch up and intervention; homework and revision content; and a build your own facility where anyone can access all our plans and drills to create their own.

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Live-stream Lessons

All virtual lessons can be streamed live for both student and teacher viewing, enabling teachers and students to effectively communicate face-to-face.

Lesson Plans

Our lesson plans include detailed objectives, activities, descriptions, and teaching points for each sporting activity.
All lessons include extensive drills, practices and progressions that are differentiated to aid and assist all abilities and all years.

Schemes of Work

Each Scheme of Work includes objectives and outcomes per progression, phase and scheme for help with short, medium and long-term planning for each key stage.
Schemes also include activities and resources to highlight the progressions and tasks alongside the objectives.

Remote Learning

Our virtual classroom and all of its features can be accessed from any location with an internet connection that your establishment deems appropriate for learning.


All of our teaching resources are tailor made to include assessment of practical skill and physical literacy as well as links to GCSE theoretical PE.

Video Analysis

Our video analysis tool allows you to upload videos and provide detailed feedback on students’ performances.


Through our platform you can view other PE Office members nearby and arrange a match with them.


Through our platform you can test your students using our pre-made mock exams or by making your own with our exam builder.